
Fear Paradox


Fear Paradox

“Fear, and the response to its manifestations is the single greatest determining factor of modern human behavior, and by extension, the quality of human life. “ A .Scott Wendel


Fear is a paradox, a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is none the less true. If we wish to avoid or get rid of fear, we can lose all that is to be human. Unfortunately, we need fear. We only need to understand fear and make accommodations for it so we can successfully navigate our lives.


Being aware of your fear makes you less vulnerable to it” is the reoccurring theme of this book. It is critical to examine why we fear, what we fear, and learn how to use it so that it ceases to be a liability. The purpose of this book is to make people aware of the important aspects of fear so that they can maneuver successfully throughout their lives. Fear will keep us safe but does it not have to stop us from living our lives to the fullest.


This Book will give you all the skill and understandings to neutralize the fear in your life to allow you to life the life you always dreamed of having.